Winster, Derbyshire

Winster, Derbyshire, England

The tiny village of Winster located in the Derbyshire county in the middle of England is a diamond when it comes to unknown, pretty and shy place that will stay in a tourist’s mind forever. The village is easily reachable by car, but once there the car should be left alone and walking/hiking would be the most recommended activity.

The village is mostly made of stone cottage, steep and narrow streets as well as several paths with stairs and astonishing views over a green valley surrounded by hills asking to be hiked. There are two pubs in the village and a small grocery store enough to stay put in the village for a few days. There’s no traffic apart from the occasional sheep herd and locals/tourists out for a walk.

Winster is the perfect spot to relax, enjoy the quietness, nature and recover from the stress of the big city life. Not far from London, Winster could also be starting place for small road trips to the neighboring small towns and exploration of Derbyshire county.

If you ever been to Winster, let us know in the comments below and tell other what your take on this little village is!

Winster, Derbyshire, England
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