British Museum

British Museum

The best museum in the world according to many, (Louvre in Paris, may have object to this) British Museum is one of the main attractions in London, England and planning the visit would be the wise thing to do. The museum is huge and the exhibitions are overwhelming after a while when the Florence syndrome sets in. That means there may be too many things to see and understand for a normal human brain in one day.

The British Museum is home to an impressive amount of treasures, acquired over the years by the British empire, most of the time without a valid and legal purchasing document, hence the increasing number of countries asking for the artifacts displayed or stored at the museum to be returned to their origins.

The museum is located in the centre of London, easy to reach by public transportation served by 4 underground/subway stations. Once there is hard to miss since the entrance does like like a museum…Millions of cultural items on display such as an accounting clay table from more than 3000 years ago, Roman mosaics, and Inuit cultural objects. Visiting the British Museum will only cost you time since the museum is free of charge and the crowds are manageable. They do ask you for a donation when you leave and it seems only fair to help out the museum in maintaining and restoring these treasures, even if only with a couple of pounds (cash not weights).

Have you ever been to British Museum? What do you think was overrated about it? Leave a comment below!

British Museum
British Museum
Reader Rating558 Votes
  1. Very large museum. Quite in the centre of London. Busy area at all time, but one of the more intellectual attractions of London.

  2. The museum is indeed free and the souvenirs are not too expensive. It’s a good way to spend a rainy day in London.

  3. I visited British museum long time ago and I was impressed with the old Babylonian artifacts they had on display. I recommend taking a few days to see the whole museum.

  4. This museum is huge. Nice that is free and you can drop some money at the exit if you want. There’s a lot of history in it and the artifacts are mind blowing. Quite crowded at times. Choose the time of your visit and you may skip the crowds.

  5. I’ve been to the British Museum some years ago and I absolutely loved the interior! Wonderful place to visit. But to think that they raided and pillaged the world and brought all these artefacts with them…

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