

The biggest city in Florida, Miami is the capital of spring break in US. The spring vacation time for all students in America. Miami is also the capital of splendid beaches and sunny weather of US and an international city with Cuban flavor.

Home to many attractions, Miami has a very vibrant night life as its nickname is the Spring break capital of America, when many American college students come down here to party and forget about exams and homework. The Florida keys are a must see, as well as the alligator alley, a drive from one coast to another through the marshes where spotting an alligator or even the invasive Burmese python would be a common occurrence.

A drive around Florida could start in Miami and lead through the above named alley to Tampa and the coast of the Caribbean sea.
For the pale skinned, a decent amount of sun screen is recommended and even though Miami is always warm, winter can be a wash out at times. The hurricanes of varying strength are a staple in Florida so best to avoid the season of calamities.

OVERRATED (Be warned!):
-Miami is more expensive than other cities in Florida.
-Driving can be a hassle at rush hour.
-Although it’s in good weather area the hopeful for sunshine and heat can be deceived in the winter.
-It has areas of bad reputation.
-It gets very, very hot and humid in the summer.
-Hurricanes are a fact best be somehwere else when the hurricane season strikes.

UNDERRATED (Cool unknown facts):
-A fairly green city, lots of parks and gardens.
-Best Cuban food outside Cuba.
-Beaches are very well maintained and the available all year round.
-Night life is a whole lot better and more active than in any other city in Florida.
-Plenty of hotels and restaurants.
-Fishing trips from Miami are an experience worth living.

What’s your take on Miami? Leave a comment below and help a fellow traveller prepare.

Reader Rating586 Votes
  1. This town is to be avoided at any cost during spring break! Very crowded and expensive! Tampa is a much better alternative!

  2. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. That’s all I got to say and that’s all that comes to my mind when I think of Miami. Who else is with me?

  3. Miami is a great city for young adults with a great night life and many shopping options. The beaches are all very nice and spacious. However, it is quite difficult to get around the city unless you are driving and most of the dining options are pricey.

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