Countries around the world
This is the page for countries that we reviewed. All reviews are made by real tourists with the "been there, done that" T-shirt. While we focus on North America and Europe, we're always adding new destinations as the site progresses. The destinations we have here on the countries page, are always made with the goal of convincing people to travel to that specific country and experience for themselves the beauty of the place. We firmly believe that travelling is the key to making xenophobia, racism and nationalism obsolete. Countries like England, Italy, France, Germany, Sweden, Canada and USA have a lot to impress tourist with and while books have been written, films have been made and countless travel sites have reviewed them, an extra honest and unbiased opinion is always welcomed. By clicking on any name (orange colored) a link to the respective country will open up making it easier to browse. The pictures on this site are not made by professionals (with a few exceptions) and that is to keep the honesty level high. Keep travelling, lower your expectations and stay skeptical!
Countries we've visited
Stay skeptical!