

The former ruler of half of Central Europe, Austria, lies at the crossroads between East and West Europe and and that may or may not seem obvious to the tourists. The former glory of the Austrian empire is still visible and it’s easy to fall into the trap of history and forget about the present Austria. The nature is beyond magnificent and while generally a winter sport country, summer hiking trails will take a traveller through stunning views.

Vienna itself is a paradise on the Danube and no wonder classical music has found a permanent home here for hundred of years.

Austria is not cheap nor too expensive and yet be prepared to dig a hole in the travel budget if you have one.
The culinary experience of Austria, is another obstacle to overcome since the temptations are numerous and the Euros dedicated to them may not be.
Do not confuse Austrians with Germans, the language might be the same but the dialect, culture and many other things are different. Austria is within driving distance from Germany, Hungary, Italy and even Romania.

OVERRATED (Be warned!):
-Austria is expensive especially Vienna.
-Most of tourist sights are very busy.
-Hallstatt town. Very crowded and overpriced.
-Classical music halls are very expensive ad some require proper outfit (suit and tie etc.)
-Austria is a mountainous country so if hiking is planned, physical fitness is a must.
-Parking in big cities is a problem.

UNDERRATED (Cool unknown facts):
-The nature
-The food. Coffee houses and bakeries are indeed overpriced but must be experienced at least once.
-Small towns in the countryside off the beaten path
-Austrians are very friendly and the younger generation is fairly fluent in English.
-There are excellent ski resorts in the mountains.

Have you ever been to Austria? Leave a comment below about what you like and what you think was a bit overrated about Austria.

Reader Rating806 Votes
  1. Austria is wonderful in summer and winter. We travel from Finland to Kaprun near Salzburg every year and love it.

  2. Excellent article! Vienna is on my “bucket-list” of European cities to be seen. Being a classical music fan definitely helped in my decision 🙂

  3. This is a very nice article! Austria is pretty and good in any season. Not sure if it’s really that expensive. Seems ok to me.

  4. I would love to go to Austria some day! I met someone from Austria once, could climb mountains and cliffs with ease. We dubbed them “mountain goat”!

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