Hermannstadt, Romania
Sibiu, Romania

Sibiu, Romania

Sibiu is a town in Romania, nestled on the side of the Carpathian Mountains. A town built by former German colonists in Transylvania, it stands out by its medieval charm and character. Its German name is Hermannstadt, one of the seven fortresses built by German Saxons in Transylvania. The town’s Latin name is Cibinum which implies a history far older than the settling of Saxons in the area.

It has kept its German flavour and a stroll through the streets would prove enchanting as well as nostalgic. The town’s main square is sprinkled with restaurants, cafes and eateries.

The town has direct flights from/to several European cities and also from Bucharest. And since every flight within Europe is fairly short, Sibiu could become a wonderful weekend getaway filled with lasting memories.

The bridge of liars it’s a tourist staple in the town and well worth walking to/on. There are many buildings in the Middle Age German architectural style and some do need looking after by renovation teams.

Have you ever visited Sibiu? What do you think about it? Did you find anything overrated?

Hermannstadt, Romania
Sibiu, Romania
Reader Rating503 Votes
  1. I visited Sibiu a few years ago and while it is indeed a very nice town, I
    d recommend Brasov for a better experience.

  2. Gorgeous! I had a few people recommend this place to me. It’s definitely on my list now that I see this article, thank you!

  3. Never heard of this town before but now I’m thinking to visit Transylvania and Sibiu. Thank you for presentation and advice.

  4. I have been to Sibiu, Nagyszeben, and I loved the town. The mountains are nearby and winter sports can be done in the winter. I recommend going to Bridge of liars and trying the Szekely food.

  5. I’ve been to Sibiu quite a few times in the so-called “Golden-Era” (tongue-in-cheek of course) in Romania as well after that dark period. The City managed to impress EVERY time! A true hidden gem for sure… not to be missed if you travel to Romania.
    Stay away however from the “mall” – Shopping City Sibiu – which is a one-level small building with a few stores. Also, if you wonder away from the City Center you may encounter unrestored, older buildings.

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