
Athens, Greece

The capital and main city of Greece needs no presentation. Athens introduced itself to the world millennia ago when it started or significantly improved a lot of processes still ongoing today. Democracy, science, philosophy etc. A short flight from Romania, Bulgaria, Italy and Austria, Athens is tourist attraction and also a hub for further flights to places in Asia, Africa etc. A flight to the seaside resort Eilat in Israel is also handy.

Athens will keep a tourist on his/her toes with the amount of sites to see and explore. A great chance to learn, discover and build vivid memories, a vacation in Athens would also give tourists a chance to taste authentic Greek food and enjoy the friendliness and hospitality of the Greek people.

As in any major European city traffic is an issue and driving a challenge for non-locals.
Stunning weather most of the year, the summer season will bring crowds and most attractions will be packed with tourists. Athens is a hub for island hopping travels whether by boat or plane.

OVERRATED (Be warned!):
-Athens is very hot in the summer.
-Traffic. Best leave the driving to locals.
-Athens has some not so safe areas. Omonia square is one.
-Hoards of tourists at any attraction in the city. Very crowded.
-Tourist scams aplenty. Pickpockets.
-Lots of homeless people, beggars and drug addicts on the streets

UNDERRATED (Cool unknown facts):
-The temples and the ancient buildings. Even if for those less interested in history and culture, the sights are impressive.
-The food and drinks. Greek food as original as it gets.
-The Monastiraki – flea market neighborhood located close to Syntagma square
-Athens is reasonable priced.
-Easy to get around. Lots of taxis and hop on/hop off buses
-National Gardens

Have you been to Athens and what do you think of it? What do you experienced as good and what was overrated? Leave a comment below.

Reader Rating758 Votes
  1. Athens is very big. I recommend taking Uber it’s cheap and convenient. There are a lot of tourist especially at the Parthenon and it’s hard to get a picture without some stranger in it. I recommend National Gardens in the centre of the city. It’s free.

  2. Athens is best to be visited in off season. Less crowds and the weather is not that hot. Best also to take public transport. If you go to Akropolis there’s a very steep hill to climb so have proper shows. Ya mas!

  3. Extremely busy in any touristic attraction in the city.

    Very beautiful city though, and easy to get around if you purchase a pass for the ”hop on/hop off” bus. Prices are a lot more reasonable than Mykonos, Santorini and the other islands.

  4. Absolutely gorgeous! But gets very crowded very quickly. My piece of advice: do not pick up anything that’s on the ground at the Parthenon. They guards who whistle at you if they see you stray from the designated path or pick up a rock for a souvenir

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