Small Town, USA
Small Town, USA

Small Town America

Many Europeans have a wrong opinion about America. USA ,that is. That America is only New York, Los Angeles, crime, billionaires and ghettos, easy access to guns and glamour as well as Hollywood and all that.
Some of these might be true and hard to argue. However, there is another side of America that few know, including America’s northern neighbors, the Canadians. Small town America is something I personally cherish and admire, having observed this first hand several times.
Small town America means Main Street, where all the shops are, where everyone knows everyone, where everyone says hello to anyone, where small chat with strangers occurs, where visitors get to see the quaintness and the best that small town has to offer. Main street it’s usually a short walk, with plenty of street parking, with coffees shops, hardware store, convenience store and a tiny grocery shop. And the pub.
Small town Americans are the friendliest bunch on the planet and will gladly talk to you about anything and while they might have no idea where you’re from and where that place you’re from lies, they will find a way to connect with you and share a smile.
As usual beauty is in the eye of the beholder and small town America is no exception. There may be a lake, a mountain, a desert or a forest nearby that the locals are proud of and will gladly talk to you about.
A small chat in the pub can turn into a 2 hours conversation on various topics, such is the friendliness and chattiness of Americans of small towns.
For me this is the genuine America, built on freedom and democracy and acceptance of anyone wherever they come from as long as they’re law abiding and respectful of the American values which for far too many times have been badmouthed and dragged into the political mud by various politicians all over the world, including USA.
Do yourself a favour and visit any small town in America even if for just an hour or so. One good example is Youngstown, in the New York state, near the Canadian border, 30 min drive from Niagara Falls with Old Fort Niagara as the main attraction.

Small Town, USA
Small Town America
Reader Rating580 Votes
  1. Some small American towns are so boring and stuck up. and those around big cities are just sleepy towns. nothing to see or do.

  2. here in West Virginia we have tons of small places. boring and with no opportunities but beautiful nevertheless.

  3. There are many gorgeous small towns in America. They are the true icon of American spirit. Lake Placid, NY is fantastic to visit any season.

  4. This is an awesome article. I love the small towns of America and there are so many places where America is what it was meant to be.
    I recommend Holland and Ann Arbor in Michigan.

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