
Canadian Autumn

As soon as the daylight saving time ends in Canada on October 23rd we’re getting ready for winter even though the weather shows no indication to cool off significantly. Such is the nature of weather in Canada that it can quickly turn around and ignore all forecasts and decide for itself when’s winter and when’s not.
As the snow and ice time approaches I’m reminded that the best winter in Canada occurs in Ottawa where the world longest skating rink, The Rideau Canal, needs a week or so of very cold weather to become the highlight of a mini vacation.
The Rideau Canal, even if not skating, is something very Canadian and if not skating, walking can be done safely as well. The canal freezes solid and it even supports cars and horse drawn carriages. There are skate renting places all over the place and while busy in the weekends there’s still room for everyone. The coffee shops and the food trucks along the canal makes this a culinary experience uniquely Ottawan. Either for having a beaver tail pastry and a hot chocolate on the ice, or a beer and burger, the Rideau Canal experience is one for the memory album.
Maybe the story of 2020 is not exactly a merry one, but it will soon be over one way or another, and the gates of imagination will open and become reality when it comes to all good things that come with travelling free and unencumbered by fear and caution.

Canadian Autumn
Reader Rating329 Votes
  1. Fall in Canada is so pretty. October when all the trees are changing colors it’s really a spectacle worth paying an entrance fee!

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