Sunset in California
Sunset in California


America! The most known country in the world will take a foreign tourist through all emotions and it will never cease to impress. USA is the country where freedom received its latest upgrade and it has held on to it for centuries. As said in our blog entry Puzzle Solved, Americans tend to travel less abroad than Europeans. And the reason being that America has everything and more. Sunny beaches any time of the year? Got it! Mountains with ski resorts? Got it! Cruises, on rivers or oceans? Checkmark! And a whole lot more. History? Well, not that much and not that old, comparing to Europe but it’s there.

There are a few observations to take in consideration when travelling to USA and our advice on the home page Travelling to North America from Europe might help anyone ease in the atmosphere.
Mountains, beaches, metropolitan areas, glamour and glitz, ridiculously long drives and 50 states with varying local laws and a plethora of things to do and see.

Grand Canyon, New Orleans, San Antonio, San Diego, Harvard University, Florida Everglades and countless other tourist attractions, are on a list of places to see and explore in USA.
Tourists may or may notice the differences between states but every state has its own character and landmarks. And some may even notice that this is not Canada
Europeans will likely smile whenever Americans talk about old towns but for age is just a number they say.
Boston, New York, Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, Miami, Las Vegas, Detroit and the list could go on. From the Rocky Mountains through the desert of Arizona all the way to the marshes of Florida and from Miami to Seattle, this is the biggest challenge for a tourist, how to visit all the famous and not skip the beauty of small town America?

OVERRATED (Be warned!):
-USA is huge. Distances are counted in hours of driving not kilometers!
-Driving in major cities can be daunting at rush hours.
-Health care is very expensive. Medical insurance when travelling is an absolute must.
-USA is an armed country. The rules and regulations vary from county to county but many Americans have a deep love for their guns which may seem beyond logic explanation and common sense for Europeans.
-There are dangerours, out of bounds areas for tourists in almost every major city.
-Every state has a weather problem depending on the season. Hurricanes, sandstorms, extreme heat, snowstorms, deep freeze, earthquakes etic
-The sense of private property is quite strong and Europeans should be careful not to trespass inadvertently
-Most Americans have little to no clue of other countries and nations

UNDERRATED (Cool unknown facts):
-Americans are in general very friendly and chatty.
-The major cities are very multicultural and that shows in the amount and diversity of restaurants.
-The road infrastructure is extensive and well maintained
-Gas/petrol is significantly cheaper then Europe and Canada.
-Marijuana is legal in some states and available at specific stores.
-American national and state parks are very pretty and incredibly well maintained (some need prior reservation to visit).
-The native American culture.
-The English spoken across USA varies from an accent point of view with a stronger accent in the southern states.

Please share with us how did you like America and what’s overrated about it?

Sunset in California
Reader Rating923 Votes
  1. My favourite place in US is San Francisco area. To visit. I recommend driving from LA to San Fran, San Jose, Oakland area. The views are stunning. I attached an image of San Francisco.

  2. Detroit is to be avoided. Buffalo too and most NY state basically. Yellowstone park is probably the best thing in the US. Many towns in US have concealed weapon laws so you never know who’s armed and who’s not.

  3. California must be visited when in America. Cali has everything that there is in US, mountains, beaches, lakes, oceans. San Francisco, San Diego and all these natural reservations.

  4. I didn’t yet have had the chance to visit “small-town” USA, I have visited the big-town USA 😁. I spent a week in Atlanta, Georgia with work but had a chance to visit the city as well. The home of CNN and Coca Cola is truly a staple of what USA represents. I had to take a subway for 5 stops only to get out of the Atlanta airport!

  5. I have been to America twice. Kansas and St. Louis. I was amazed how easy it is to buy a gun and ammunition. I recommend visiting St. Louis, Kansa city not so much.

  6. Grand Canyon is arguably the best attraction in US. I recommend the West Gate and spending a few days in Sedona, AZ. Don’t take the bus tour. expensive and lunch they gave us was awful.

  7. We did a road trip from Chicago to LA and Colorado was the best. I recommend driving through Colorado. Outstanding views and loads of places to visit.

  8. Kansas City is the best of the Midwest. If you have happen to visit the Midwest stop in Kansas City. And St. Louis. Some neighborhoods aren’t the safest or the nicest but these cities are worth a visit. Kansas City library is unique I believe. check image attached.

  9. Redwood forest is in California, Redwood National park. between San Francisco and Portland. There are scenic routes but might be closed now due to covid.

  10. Pacific coast is a nice road trip from Seattle to San Diego. Portland is a must stay for a couple of days at least. Redwood forest is a “have to see before you die” place.

  11. This is a very good description of America. I live in Ann Arbor Mi, and I recommend everyone to visit. University town and also tons of shops and restaurants.

  12. I recommend visiting Charleston, South Carolina. Very pretty. Cobblestone streets, colonial houses. Check out Waterfont park.

  13. I have to recommend Finger Lakes in NY state. You can drive around the many wineries there and the views are stunning! There’s a canyon at Watkins Glen park and there’s a glass factory and museum in Corning, a small town just 30min drive from the lakes.

  14. I preferred the west coast of America. Los Angeles and San Diego or San Francisco are super cool to see. Check out Alcatraz island when in San Francisco.

  15. Get ready for some driving; distances are huge and public transportation outside city cores is abysmal. But hey… gas is cheap! With that in mind, especially if travelling from Europe, make sure you rent the right size of car for your purpose. A mid-size sedan in the US could easily be classified as Limo in Europe.

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