Whenever I’m asked about a certain country, the next question is inevitably what is the best time to visit. To start with I’ve been asked by non-Europeans what country is the best o visit f you don’t have much time to spend in Europe. While all countries in Europe have their onw personality and amazing things to see, do, eat or drink, I always answer that Italy would be best to summon all that’s beautiful in Europe and that is true only if you must choose only one country. Unfair to the rest of Europe but I found that Italy has a lot of the best things in Europe and to top it all: It has the weather on its side!. Never too cold, and unless you choose the very south of the country never too hot.

The rest of south Europe do enjoy a similar climate, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Malta and it does get too hot in the summer.

Best time to visit anywhere in Europe? April to October. North and central Europe is to be avoided from November to March (included) unless you find dark, cold, rainy and windy pleasant. On the other hand England can be safely visited in the winter too since with the exception of the north of the island the winter is fairly mild and you can even have a better look at the architecture considering there’s no leaves on trees.

When it comes to North America, Canada and the northern states of USA aren’t very accomodating in the winter and must be avoided if possible.

Best time to visit? Actually when you have time and money. Travelling satisfies the need to collect memories and while some choose not to build memories but rather stay home and be safe it reminds me of the saying: “A ship is safest in the harbour but that’s not why ships are built”