Frankenmuth, MI
Frankenmuth, MI

Frankenmuth, Michigan, USA

Frankenmuth is a small American town in the heart of Michigan state, USA, fairly close to the border to Canada and home to the largest Christmas store in the world as well as to the famous chicken restaurant Zehnder’s. The town is nicknamed Little Bavaria and it’s the German cultural and gastronomic island of Michigan. And for a good reason, given the architecture and the flavour and it’s a tourist destination known to all Michiganders. Pretty and shy, unknown for people outside the 300-km radius, Frankenmuth qualifies as worthy daytrip or a getaway weekend and it will immerse the foreign traveller into what small town America is, could be or should be.

A simple walk through the town centre provides a lot of opportunities for visiting artist studios, shops, bakeries etc. The Christmas store itself is something out of the ordinary, and the usual line-ups to get into the famous restaurant speaks itself about the delicious food available that makes people wait patiently for a table.

Have you ever been to Frankenmuth? Let us know your opinion about it by leaving a comment below!

Frankenmuth, MI
Frankenmuth, Michigan, USA
Reader Rating532 Votes
  1. Frankenmuth is very special at Christmas time. The Christmas store is huge and has any decorations you can think of.

  2. I visited Frankenmuth twice and loved it every time. There are some artists shops you can visit and buy their craft.

  3. I’m from Michigan and I’ve been to Frankenmuth several times. The Zanders restaurant is very busy and you guys need to book in advance. But it’s a thrill worth having this restaurant. I recommend staying overnight at one of the hotels so the place can be enjoyed thoroughly.

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