

The main city in Malta, Valetta is the poster for medieval towns. A city built on a steep hill, walled in and surrounded by the sea on three sides, Valetta has a lot to tell and show. Small by the definition of capital city, Valetta is impressive and hospitable. A short flight from Rome, Italy or even Greece, Valetta and its across the bay neighbor St Julian’s are part of the largest urban settlement in Malta.

Walking through the streets of Valetta will easily transpond you to the Middle Ages when knights of various origin walked the same streets. Its neighbor across the bay St. Julian’s has more modern feeling and increasingly cosmopolitan and yet these two complete each other like two pieces of puzzle.

Walkable and very photogenic, Valetta and St. Julian’s are devoid of palm tree lined beaches and the culinary experience of these two is a excellent.

OVERRATED (Be warned!):
-The heat in the summer is something to be aware of.
-Very steep streets.
-Driving, not only it’s on the wrong side of the road from the point of view of everyone outside UK, South Africa, Australia and Japan but the streets are narrow and hilly.
-There are no sandy beaches in the city or nearby
-Valetta is crowded and pricier than all the other Maltese towns.
-Not as cheap as expected when it comes to hotels and restaurants or even casual shopping

UNDERRATED (Cool unknown facts):
-Valetta is very walkable even though a higher degree of fitness is required. Proper shoes are recommended.
-Maltese wine is relatively unknown but very good.
-Coffee shops are everywhere and the coffee is excellent.
-The ferry trip to St. Julian. Cheap and gives you a chance to amazing views
-Easy to get around
-English spoken everywhere

What did you realize it’s overrated about Valetta after you visited? Leave a comment and if so inclined a picture!

Reader Rating540 Votes
  1. I’ve visited Valetta and St. Julien. The amount of construction going on is crazy. There’s noise and dust all over St Julien. I would recommend staying in Valetta to escape all these new condo building construction.

  2. Valetta is built on a rock and while the city is very nice and quaint it’s kinda hard to get to if you’re not fit or take a cab.

  3. Valetta is very pretty and lively. I recommend taking the ferry ($2) from Sliema and you can see the whole town and the castle where they filmed scenes from Game of Thrones.

  4. Valetta is the old town, Sliema and St. Julian’s are more modern and lively. There’s even a Swedish shop in Sliema and the city is very multicultural. I recommend walking along the sea promenade in St. Julian’s. Many restaurants and bars all with splendid views.

  5. The city of Valetta is amazing! Overrated about it’s the walkability of it. Walking through it requires a decent level of fitness a pretty much everything is uphill and wind against!

    Valetta, Malta

  6. The city is filled with very steep streets and tends to be crowded in season. Overrated as beach destination and not as cheap as advertised.

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