Pompeii, street

Pompeii, Italy

Pompeii is one of the most famous attractions of Italy. It’s located just outside Napoli and about an hour drive from Rome. The city of Pompeii has a long history and most of it would have been lost if not for the volcano nearby. The Vesuvius volcano has had anger management issues since ages ago and the humans who ignored this have been its victims. The story of Pompeii has been subject to several books, movies and even songs.

The ruins of this former resort of the Roman Empire, has fascinated every visitor since its discovery and Pompeii warrants a longer visit than the couple of hours offered by the local tours. It would be difficult to see everything in a few hours since the Pompeii is larger than presumed and the digging still goes on with more buildings and artifacts being discovered.

Walking down the streets and pretending you’re a Roman, a foreign trader or just a tourist looking for a good time, it’s something unique to Pompeii. While the ancient shops, bars, brothels might be closed forever, and the streets do look like they’ve seen better days, the experience is exhilarating!

Pompeii is still being discovered, archeologists still work to uncover the rest of the town and every year or so more areas are open to the public.

Have you ever been to Pompeii? What do you think of it and did you find something that’s overrated? Leave a comment below!

Pompeii, Italy
Reader Rating713 Votes
  1. I don’t recommend a guided tour. the guide rushes through everything and it’s better to see the whole place at your own pace. Also guides are expensive.

  2. I visited Pompeii. Took the train from Rome to Napoli, then bus to Pompeii. No guide. It was excellent and cheap.

  3. Pompeii is a very interesting site to visit. I also recommend a guided tour. There is a lot of knowledge the guides have and the city is easy to get lost in. The map you get at the entrance is quite difficult to read.

  4. I have been to Pompeii and it is a must for anyone visiting Rome and the area. I recommend getting a guide though. Lots of history that needs explanations.

  5. Pompeii is kinda tough to visit on your own, I recommend a guided tour. Overrated: the walk through Pompeii is rough, streets and sidewalks are made of cubic stone and due to age, very poorly aligned. Need proper walking shoes.

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