
Covid Relapse Looming

“Sapere Aude-Dare to Know”
Ok, so this is definitely not a banner year for travelling nor does it look like becoming a touristy winter season, since the Covid cases are increasing everywhere in the world or at least the number of new infections aren’t decreasing as we have hoped.
Most countries’ economies are struggling and that goes to show that we’re all interconnected that we can’t survive without each other, for better or for worse.
The fact that we can’t go anywhere, pales in importance compared to those who got sick or lost someone to this [still] baffling disease. Airports are empty, hotels and restaurants everywhere are shutting down, the whole tourist industry is barely alive. Sports events are a ghost of what they were and the Covid fatigue is pushing everyone to their limits, forcing them to take risks and authorities to take measures.
We’re all travelling now on YouTube or looking at vacation pictures/films from yester years, so maybe there’s no better time than now to get ready for next year’s vacation, read reviews, make plans and gain some confidence that this too will pass.
Let’s stay optimistic and keep in mind that nothing bad lasts forever.

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