Disney World, Orlando, Florida

Disney World is just outside Orlando, Florida, USA, and it’s the second amusement park built by Walt Disney company in 1971. At some point this park was the most visited resort in the world.

A two hours drive from Tampa or Miami, this park although built for children would make any adult relive their childhood and for those who didn’t have much of childhood live it. The park is open all year round and the experience of visiting is well organized from the moment you purchase your tickets, through the time you park your car there to the lodging and the numerous rides, museums and exhibitions located in this gigantic fairy tale campus.

The park is divided in several smaller parks each one requiring a different ticket to get in, but passes are available. The Magic Kingdom is the most popular one and the busiest and yet the whole park is very well organized and things seem to flow smoothly. Epcot, Disney Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom are the other parks.

Epcot is a theme park within the resort, dedicated to human innovation, science and development. The park is represented by a sphere called Spaceship Earth.

Disney Animal Kingdom park is a zoological theme park dedicated to animal conservation. Although not as comprehensive and extensive as the San Diego Safari Park, the Animal Kingdom park is a must see.

Disney’s Hollywood Studios is divided into seven themed areas inspired by Hollywood movies.

Have you ever been to Disney World? Let us know what do you think about it in the comments below!

Disney World, Orlando, Florida
Reader Rating348 Votes
  1. I have never been, but been to Euro Disney outside Paris back in 1998 and it was lots of fun. Took an entire day just to see a bit of the park. Thanks for the wonderful article, will certainly check out the Disney World in Orlando someday!

  2. This amusement park is amazing. Very well organized and even adults can find something fun in this park. Expensive but a must see.

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